Bring Your Dreams To Life!


Everyone has a dream or wish for themselves that they believe is, or at least at one time believed was, unattainable, unrealistic – completely out of reach. Yet most never let go of their big idea, and even fewer finally act on it.

I’m here to tell you that nothing you can see yourself doing, living, or achieving will ever happen if you never take any action to complete that vision, no matter how much you believe in it. I’ll also tell you that if you can dream it, you can be it and you can live it. And it isn’t as simple as writing down what you want or making a vision board, and then, *poof*, suddenly everything you ever wanted is right in your lap, either.

What it takes is all of the best motivational tools, and then some, in the right combination – believing it, seeing it clearly, formulating a plan of action,  actually taking the actions as opportunity allows, and recognizing success as it occurs throughout the journey. Without recognition of success, you can’t realize progress, or keep momentum up.

One of the most challenging aspects of coaching is client accountability. Even the most detailed of action plans are completely useless if a client cannot seem to bring themselves to actually take any actions toward their desired outcome. When that happens, we review the situation and work to isolate what the real obstacle is so we can shift our focus to resolving it before continuing on with their action plan.

During this review process, clients often comes to terms with a long standing behavior that is no longer useful to them. Once that issue has been fully addressed, most find they can’t wait to get back on the metaphorical horse and continue with the ride in to the future they designed.

These people, regular folks, just like you and me, are most likely to succeed, because they have let go of the self-imposed limitations that had deterred their success in the past. Some even decide that they have more work to do in order to have what they want, and subsequently make changes or add to their action plan.

When we move past our limiting beliefs, we open ourselves to a different perception of the reality we’re living, and that is why we are able to live what we dream when we are willing to do the work in the form of action to make it happen.

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