I want to ask you all a bunch of questions. As you read the questions, answer them for yourself, then review your answers at the end of the piece, and see if you learn anything about yourself.
There may be things you want to celebrate, or change. Either way, this is merely a gentle exercise, so have fun with it.
When was the last time you pampered yourself?
Define what an indulgence means for you: it could be food, travel, a service you acquire, a special workout, hobby, or other activity, on a large or small scale.
Whatever you do, is it a large or small event that your regularly use pamper yourself? For instance, do you go to the salon once a month to have your hair done or a manicure? Do you meet friends for drinks once a week? Save up your pampering for a vacation once a year? Take an extra long bath?
How often is “regularly” for you? Yearly, monthly, weekly, daily?
Are you strict with scheduling time for yourself, or do you just wait until you feel you “need” it?
Are there defined ways that you determine when or where you decide what “regularly” means to you? For instance, do you require a special occasion or celebration to allow it, or do you have a set day planned every third Tuesday or the same day every week?
If you are one who nearly never indulges, I ask you to consider doing it more often. When we pamper ourselves on a regular basis, it gives our minds and bodies a chance to relax together, giving you loads of restorative properties.
We must also remember that it can go the other way. Over indulgence is usually not very healthy, and can be a sign of deeper issues within that require closer inspection.
It’s important, as part of self care, to remember to treat ourselves with compassion to manage stress and promote a positive self-image. To remain in a natural state of well being, we have to listen to our inner voice and show ourselves the same special kindness as we would anyone we love.
So, take that break, you deserve it. Life is hard, and you are doing a great job of keeping it together. Even when you feel you aren’t. To recognize the need for action or change is the mark of the strong and intelligent person.